
Why Does John Proctor Confess

John proctor is a skilful homo.

Despite his confessions to the court they keep to question him and get out him With 2 choices, to Confess to witchcraft or stay true to his belief. He is confused by what he wants and what is right. All he wants is to keep his honor which he refers every bit his name. Hale asks Elizabeth to speak to proctor and convince him to confess. Still when she speak proctor he tells her "I cannot mountain the gibbet like a saint. Information technology is a fraud. I am not that man.

My honesty is bankrupt, Elizabeth; I am no skilful man. Zilch's spoiled by giving them this lie that were not rotten long earlier. Page 204".John proctor believes he is non an honest man but he wants to do what's correct. Elizabeth tells him "Practice what y'all will. But let none be your judge. At that place be no higher judge under Heaven that Proctor is! Forgive me, forgive me, John - I never knew such goodness in the world! Page 204".

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She's telling him that is his choice to lie or say the truth and not the courts. If he lied it was him who has to live with that decision and not the court. At first he was fine with his confession just ones he was told it was to be posted on the church with his signature he changed his mind and stay true to his belief.They asked him why he would non allow is. John proctor answered, "Considering it is my proper noun! Because I cannot accept some other in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the grit on the anxiety of them that hang! How may I alive without my name? I have given you my soul; leave me my proper name! "Proctor felt that the court had taken everything and the only matter he had to himself was his name. He knows there's a deviation with the courtroom saying he is guilty of witchcraft and a paper with his own signature.He says he'south non worth a dust because while the other innocents died he chose to be a coward and requite in.

As well the fact that reputation was very important at the time these events pb to him tear upwardly the paper. He said "I can. And there's your first marvel, that I tin. You have made you magic now, for at present I do call back I run across some shred of goodness in John Proctor. Non plenty to wave a imprint with, but enough to proceed it from such dogs". Yous can tell that he had a changed in graphic symbol and was now true to himself. By ripping the paper he was keeping his honor and showing the goodness in him.

Why Did John Proctor Decide to Rip Up His Signed Confession in Act 4 of the Crucible essay

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