
How To Cook Frozen Asparagus In Air Fryer

Air fryer frozen asparagus adds a delicious flavor to asparagus spears, embracing a hint of seasonings and creating a crispy texture that can exist adjusted to your preferences. Want a little more than snap to the asparagus stalks? Air fry for a few minutes less. Want a very crispy texture and caramelized flavour? Air fry for a few minutes more. In just xv minutes, you can enjoy a unique side dish that will exist your new favorite.

side image of cooked air fryer asparagus on counter with air fryer in background
Spring to:
  • ❤️ What you'll love nearly this recipe
  • 🥣 Ingredient Listing
  • 👩🏽‍🍳 Stride-by-Footstep Instructions
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  • ♻️ Asparagus Sustainability Profile
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If you're a fan of asparagus, you lot are probably well-versed in how to fix asparagus spears to perfection. Usually, this involves blanching, oven-roasting, popping on the outdoor grill, and sprinkling with very subtle seasonings with a splash of fresh lemon juice simply before serving. Does this sound familiar?

Of course, I'm also a fan of traditional asparagus recipes. But, there is something fun virtually adding asparagus spears to an air fryer and enjoying a unique texture and flavour that is ready in minutes. I should note that air frying asparagus volition create smaller spears. Watch thin spears and pull them out early, if needed. Though there is less "snap" with spears that accept been air fried, the final outcome is a tasty, crunchy, and fun grooming that is worth trying!

As you'll see after in the post, asparagus sustainability is a flake problematic. My recommendation (especially for vegans) is to just be aware of how frequently you lot're eating asparagus and noting where it was harvested. If you lot have access to a local source, or the space/patience to grow asparagus on your property, that is ideal. Otherwise, only be mindful of how often yous purchase asparagus to assist promote a bottom carbon footprint.

❤️ What yous'll love nearly this recipe

Cooking frozen asparagus lends itself to both a unique opportunity and a unique flavor! The air fryer creates a simultaneous crispy texture and caramelized flavor with subtle seasonings.

Y'all tin make this in either 15 minutes (or thirty minutes, if you have quite a few spears to cook), making this grooming incredibly unproblematic.

In that location is no need to thaw the asparagus spears earlier adding them to the air fryer, making this a direct-forrad and fourth dimension-saving effort in the kitchen.

🥣 Ingredient List

overhead and labeled image of air fryer frozen asparagus ingredients on counter

Frozen asparagus. Choose a brand from your local grocery store or freeze your ain!

Extra virgin olive oil. When using olive oil with any air fryer recipe (including this ane!), I volition always warn that less is more. I keep information technology easy with one teaspoon of a proficient-quality olive oil for this recipe, but yous could get away with whatsoever amount betwixt one-half and one teaspoon olive oil. Yous are also welcome to apply a few pumps of an olive oil spritzer for the most conservative arroyo. You tin can always add more, but you tin't take it away if you find you've added too much.

Garlic powder. This is an optional ingredient, but I think it adds a subtle depth of flavor to the asparagus spears. Some recipes may caution that garlic can become bitter when cooked at high temperatures (which tin happen), merely that is not the example with this recipe. The garlic powder can be added at the start of the cook fourth dimension, with the residuum of the ingredients.

Kosher common salt. The finer grain of the kosher salt will allow you to disperse the table salt evenly over the asparagus. For this part of the recipe, I employ pink Himalayan sea common salt.

Coarse ocean table salt. This is a prissy touch at the cease, for an added crisis and pleasing presentation. Of form, this is optional and tin absolutely be avoided if you are trying to restrict table salt intake.

👩🏽‍🍳 Footstep-by-Step Instructions

overhead image of seasoned frozen asparagus spears in glass bowl
overhead image of frozen asparagus spears while still frozen

Preheat your air fryer to 400ºF. This should only take a few minutes.

During the preheating phase, toss the frozen asparagus spears with the remaining ingredients (except coarse sea salt). Your fingers volition get a niggling cold, merely it'southward manageable! Massage the asparagus spears until the olive oil and seasonings evenly coat the spears.

When the air fryer is heated, add the asparagus spears directly to the air fryer basket. Savor the sound of the sizzle – that's my favorite role! Shake the basket until the spears are evenly distributed in one layer. Depending upon the size of your handbasket, this might mean that you need to brand these in two batches. It is better not to crowd the air fryer basket and allow for a crispy end result, rather than steam them. The good news is these cook fast!

Almost halfway through the cook time, remove the air fryer handbasket to: (a) shake to "flip" the asparagus spears and (b) bank check for doneness. We are aiming for a texture that is a lilliputian crispy on the edges, just is not completely wilted. At this stage, you lot will either render the basket to the air fryer for the balance of the cooking time, or yous will only air fry for 30 seconds to 1 minute longer, in order to prevent over-wilting.

Remove the asparagus spears when prepare and top with the coarse sea salt for added crunch and presentation, if desired. Some like to add a squeeze of lemon, which you can incorporate at this pace if yous want to add a hint of citrus. Note: You might relish the lemon juice ameliorate if you avoid using the garlic powder, so the seasonings don't compete with one another – that is completely up to you lot, though!

air fryer frozen asparagus cooked closeup


side image of air fried asparagus on serving dish with air fryer in the background

Air Fryer Frozen Asparagus

A delicious training for the bag of asparagus taking up space in your freezer! Cook from frozen and take a flavorful side dish in only minutes, seasoned to perfection. This vegan and gluten-gratuitous dish is sure to exist your new favorite!

Prep Time 5 mins

Cook Time 10 mins

Course Side Dish

Cuisine American

Servings 4 people

Calories 44 kcal

  • 1 air fryer

  • 12 ounces frozen asparagus spears
  • ane teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
  • ¼ teaspoon kosher salt
  • ¼ teaspoon garlic powder optional
  • i compression freshly ground blackness pepper
  • 1 pinch coarse body of water common salt optional, for garnish
  • Preheat your air fryer to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • While the air fryer heats, combine frozen asparagus spears, olive oil, kosher table salt, garlic powder, and black pepper in a medium basin.

  • Gently employ your hands to toss the asparagus spears with the seasonings, separating any spears that are frozen together. Toss until the seasonings are evenly distributed.

  • Add the asparagus spears to the air fryer basket, shaking the basket until the spears class a single layer along the lesser. *If your handbasket is small-scale to medium-sized, this ways you might need to cook the spears in 2 batches.

  • Cook for 10 minutes, shaking the handbasket one-half-mode through to "turn" the spears and check for doneness. If the spears are starting to dark-brown, merely cook for a few more than minutes.

  • Remove the spears from the air fryer past pouring onto a plate or removing with tongs. Sprinkle with coarse sea salt, if desired.

If the asparagus thaws while you lot are preparing the rest of your ingredients, keep an eye on them while in the air fryer. They will melt faster if they aren't frozen at the time you start frying.

Notation the size of your asparagus spears. If they are modest, they will melt faster and require closer attention.

Serving: 4 ounces Calories: 44 kcal Carbohydrates: five g Protein: 3 chiliad Fat: 1 yard Sodium: 70 mg Potassium: 3 mg Fiber: 2 m Sugar: 3 g Vitamin A: 500 IU Vitamin C: 260 mg Iron: 0.viii mg

Keyword air fryer, appetizer, asparagus, side dish, simple

Allow united states of america know how it was!

Pro Tip:

Less is more with this air fryer frozen asparagus recipe! Testify some restraint with both the olive oil and the cook time. Don't exceed i teaspoon of olive oil for most 12 ounces of asparagus, and don't exceed more than ten minutes of cook time when you're at temperatures as high as 400 degrees. Of course, you know your automobile best. If you need more or less cook time to attain your desired consistency, become for it!

♻️ Asparagus Sustainability Profile


The sustainability of asparagus is a bit complicated. Just like whatever other piece of produce nosotros buy from the grocery store, its environmental impact is determined by the source; specifically, how far it's traveled and what growing methods were used to bring information technology to your table. If you lot opt for a locally-grown, organic supplier or grow your own, asparagus is considered a sustainable ingather with petty impact on its surroundings. Here in the U.S., quite a flake of asparagus is flown to us from other countries, significantly increasing its carbon footprint. Produce that is air freighted to its final destination does create a hefty footprint, which is why I'm intrigued by the concept of frozen asparagus as a possible culling. Check the characterization and enquire your grocer what options are available for local, organic supply. The proficient news is that asparagus is listed on the Environmental Working Group's Clean 15 listing, and so we will accept the victories where we tin can get them!

Freeze for out-of-season use

What I love well-nigh discussing frozen asparagus, in particular, is the option to capitalize on securing a larger batch when you do notice a sustainable variety (including your own crop in the backyard!). Asparagus can be frozen at home. Many have experienced the all-time success blanching the asparagus before freezing, to maintain color and texture. Though asparagus aficionados might notice less "snap" to the asparagus subsequently thawing, it is a handy method to keep asparagus on hand, peculiarly if yous can find a fresh batch at its peak nutritional value. Since virtually vegetables are wink frozen past companies at their most nutritious, I believe it is acceptable to treat yourself to some frozen asparagus from the grocery shop occasionally.

To acquire more than almost asparagus, I think yous'll observe this article outlining what asparagus tastes like, but to "castor upward" on your asparagus knowledge.

air fryer frozen asparagus on counter

❓ Frequently Asked Questions

Tin can you cook asparagus after its been frozen?

Admittedly! You practice take a few options for sourcing frozen asparagus: either buy information technology frozen from your grocery shop, or freeze it yourself. As mentioned earlier, many who have frozen it at home fair-skinned the asparagus spears earlier freezing and believe the texture is more similar to raw asparagus once it thaws (in other words, less limp).

Should I thaw asparagus earlier cooking?

When cooking the asparagus from frozen, there is no demand to thaw prior to adding it to the air fryer. If y'all exercise allow the asparagus to thaw – we've all gotten distracted in the kitchen while in the middle of a recipe – subtract the cooking time past a few minutes. Thawed asparagus will cook faster than straight-from-frozen.

Is frozen asparagus whatsoever good?

Yes! A number of reasons be to eat frozen vegetables. Nearly are frozen at their peak freshness, allowing their maximum nutrients to expect for you lot to thaw and savour. If yous are able to grow asparagus in your own backyard, recall that the all-time fourth dimension to eat them is right afterward harvest. Therefore, if yous're planning to freeze your own, become ahead and complete that process immediately. Frozen asparagus gives you the opportunity to bask these delicious vegetables out-of-season.

Interested in putting your air fryer to more apply? Try these air fryer sweet potato cubes for another simple and succulent recipe that offers guilt-gratis succulent flavour!

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